Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Saints "Drop a Deuce"

A headline on FoxSports.com reads, "Dropping a Deuce: Saints waive 2-time Pro Bowler". If you can't already tell, this is a rediculous headline for a major network/website to not catch before it hit the web. It didn't last too long though as I just noticed that it has been changed to "Deuce is Loose" on the website.

The real story here is not the headline, but the story that goes along with it. The New Orleans Saints waive Deuce after 8 years as the face of the Saint's franchise. Deuce has been plagued with injuries as of late and it doesn't help to have to share carries with Reggie Bush, or having to compete with the emergence of Pierre Thomas, who had a great year taking the place of Bush. So we now see McCallister join Fred Taylor as the old guards of NFL running backs and they will have to hope that there is still a place for them in the NFL.

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